Hello There!

I’m René Garcia, Jr., and this is my “professional” blog where you can learn more about my work history and experience. You can also read my thoughts on various aspects of being in the workforce as well as any survival tips I have. I’m always happy to have constructive discussions, so feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts. Finally, this is also the best place to check out any projects that I’m proud of enough to showcase. Don’t forget to follow me on any of my social channels!

About Me

Essentially, I am a hands-on, creative problem solver. I enjoy maximizing the yield from scarce resources, learning new skills to provide extra value, and making the extra effort to meet deadlines. In practical terms, I’m a writer by trade, but various needs have driven me to develop sundry hard skills along the way, like web development, marketing automation, video editing, script writing, executive ghostwriting, interviewing, public speaking, and more. I also developed soft skills, like leadership, negotiation, and diplomacy, which are just as important for achieving goals, because they act as the lubrication between the gears that make the engine of the American workforce turn. Did I mention my degree is in Creative Writing? Hopefully, the more you read my blog, the more you’ll learn about me and my can-do-never-say-die spirit! More likely, you’ll find many of my observations on work-life to be cynical, but what I’m aiming for is sober and dispassionate. There are realities to the workplace, and the quicker we accept them, the quicker we can deal with them in practical terms.

Personally, I’ve always been a creative type: The kind that quietly observes the world and creates something in response to it. As a child and adolescent, I expressed myself with art — mainly pencil sketches. As an adult, I turned to writing. I had always loved writing — even as a child who drew — but I had no idea how prolific I would become as I grew older. I’ve written more marketing copy than I can remember, but I’ve also written volumes for my personal work, as well.

I’m happy to add more volumes here. Thank you for reading me.